Working with more than 1,500 men over the last several years I can tell you that less than 1% of us consciously, and properly, design our lives.
While we were taught mathematics, history and grammar in school, very few of us were pushed to think with ‘bigger’ questions in mind from an early age.
I have an 8-month old daughter as I write, and every morning I take her to an open window, breathe in 5 deep breaths, and then express my (our) gratitude for being alive.
I explain to her the awesomeness, and randomness, of the sky, the air, our bodies, the trees and impinge on her to always be kind to other people – and tell her that acting with empathy and compassion is a super power that will serve for the rest of her days.
As she gets older, and when she can talk, I will ask her about herself. I will try and be curious and to empower her to explore her true interests with no attachments to outcomes. I will suggest that she begins to think ‘with the end in mind’ even at an young age – so she can start grasping the preciousness and delicacy of her life, and all our lives.
I don’t share this with you to tell you how great of a parent I am. I share this because I wish my parents had done this with me so I wouldn’t have had to push so hard ‘against the grain’ as a young adult to try and figure out the best use cases for my energy and talents.
And this is the core of a larger series of issues that confronts modern men. We were not taught the basic human principle of curiosity at a young age, and we weren’t explained the truth of our impermanence so we might understand that death is imminent – and that life is short – and that we must be creative and have joy and do our best to make the very most of this brief soundbeat of existence!
When I work with men now – I start here. The first thing I do is push men to drop all of their stresses, responsibilities, and limitations and just be a young boy again. I ask them what they really want. I ask them who they really are.
At first these simple, human questions can be confronting and challenging for men. But we must start here, at the very base of our humanity, if we are ever going to create an extraordinary life for ourselves.
Most guys share with me that they want adventure, they want travel, they want meaningful relationships and connections. They want to be doing awesome work that juices them each day. They want to make money, and feel like they are ‘taking care of business and family’.
Men want to wake up each morning on fire, energized and have a great balance of certainty and uncertainty. They want to feel strong, vibrant and be the guy who other people say ‘how is he doing all that’?
But when I push deeper most men also want to be of service, wanting to help others. They want their lives to mean something, and they would love to leave at least a small legacy of teaching or wisdom that can serve others when they’re gone.
But most men have a difficult time achieving these things because the root is not planted in a place where it can naturally sprout into these outcomes.
When we admit this is the case, and take some time to properly plant our root in a place where it can grow vibrantly towards a future that has already been foressen, has already been felt, it unleashes a powerhouse of energy, inspiration and creativity that most men have no idea exists.
This is what we do in Man for Man. This is what The New Man Codes program DOES. It plants the proper root, plants the foundational mindset with a long-term perspective that gives guys a shot – perhaps their very first shot – at actually being fulfilled in life.
The best part? It’s fun. It’s totally freaking enjoyable to do this because it’s what we should have been doing as boys.
If you are down, and interested, and game to create a ridiculously awesome life for yourself by working with the truth, and not against it, schedule an appointment with either myself or my team so we can get on the phone with you and help make this happen.
I talk about Life Design – which is a process. But the outcome is Life Mastery. This is the goal. This is when you become that man you always knew you could be.
What are you waiting for?! Click here and schedule an appointment with us today.
Big LOVE fellas, Todd