For a Limited Time Get Re-Igniting Greatness Our Top Online Training Program That Usually Costs $2,400 For Absolutely FREE

Your Warrior Mentality
Your Warrior Mentality
A 14 Day Challenge For Men
A 14 Day Challenge For Men
Learn How To Harness
This Moment Of Uncertainty
Into Swift & Powerful Action
Learn How To Harness
This Moment Of Uncertainty
Into Swift & Powerful Action
Dear Brothers,
I am posting this challenge at a time many are calling ‘The Great Uncertainty’. The coronavirus has halted life as we know it, and you are probably like everyone else trying to make some sense of the unbelievable reality we find ourselves….
Before I get to some ideas about how this can actually be a great opportunity (yes, there are some very positive things here) I want to take a moment to say Ho*y Fuc*ing Sh*t! Our generation has NEVER experienced anything like this before. Wow….
And I’ve been affected by this quite personally. My mother passed away in New York on March 19th and because I live in California I had to make the heartbreaking decision to stay close to my wife and daughter and not travel across the country to be with the rest of my family. I can’t tell you how hard this was for me. I remain gutted about this as I write these words….
We are truly in this together my brothers, and I’ve put together this 14-day challenge because there are some very powerful things we can be doing as men to not only ‘get through’ this intense moment, but ways we can actually FLY through it creating even better circumstances for ourselves….
And there are so many personal tragedies unfolding like this every day. If you are someone experiencing huge interruptions, amplified financial worries, increased anxiety and even death in some way – my heart goes out to you.
As some of you know I’ve spent the last 20 years creating training programs with the biggest teachers in the world (people like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, and Eckhart Tolle to name a few). But my biggest passion has always revolved around the work I do with MEN….
‘Unleashing Greatness’ is a legendary training we’ve been teaching for years that has impacted thousands of men from all over the world. The program has men flow through a specific process that unleashes greatness, purpose and power in their lives….
The results have been ridiculous, and truly life changing for so many. And the plan all along has been to continue facilitating this program as such, but….

This moment in time calls for something new.
Give it All Away. For Free. Don’t charge anything. Just do it….
SO – Starting on Monday, May 4th I am going live EVERY DAY for 14 straight days where I will teach this life-changing process to any man who wants to play. I’ve re-worked the program and made it power-packed, enabling you to experience rapid improvements in your life with interactive practices designed to increase joy, creativity and excitement in your day-to-day….
Guys, this is literally a $2,000+ program that I am giving away for free. And I am doing it because I KNOW it can help a great many of you. All you need to do is provide your name and email on this page, and get ready for an incredible adventure together….
Brothers – this pandemic and this situation is so freaking big and infinitely mind boggling. Like I said, no one knows how it will play out. Let’s focus on the things we CAN control, like how we react to the situation and proactively engage in smart planning about our futures before we get lost in the swirl. Let’s utilize this moment in time as fuel for rapid growth….
I can't wait to see you on the first call….
Big Love,
Time Sensitive: This 14 day LIVE and highly interactive challenge will give you the most important tools you need to accelerate your creativity, courageousness and power during this intense moment in history.
Time Sensitive: This 14 day LIVE and highly interactive challenge will give you the most important tools you need to accelerate your creativity, courageousness and power during this intense moment in history.
Larger Themes & Practices Covered in this FREE 14-Day Journey:
- Learning to Transition Fears and Uncertainty Into Creativity and Leveraged Action
- Preparing Yourself For What Will Become a Rapidly Expanded Digital Economy – Strategies To Help You Thrive In A Changed World
- Finances & Money – How To Create Security In The Short-Term And Abundance Over The Long Run
- 11 Effective Tools For Changing Your State Of Mind In Any Moment and 5 ‘Power Practices’ For Shifting Negative Behavior Patterns Over The Long Term
- A Direct Investigation Into Your True Purpose – And How To Become ‘Of Great Service’ Over The Next 12 To 36 Months
Guys, you will be given worksheets, audios, videos and perhaps even a movie or two to watch. You will hear from other men and understand what they are going through. And if you want, you’ll be given the opportunity to connect and share with others.
These 14 days will provide you with a powerful toolkit of effective practices and frameworks that will set you up to deal with this current crisis. By saying YES to this you are saying YES to being proactive, courageous and powerful during a terribly challenging moment in our history. I literally can not wait to be with you shortly! Let’s do it….
What Men Say About This Process:

“My life doesn't even resemble what it did 3 short months ago. It's so unrecognizable in fact, that I'm really taking a step back and basking in the fresh air and the loftier perspective. The spaciousness in my headspace is just fantastic right now. I woke up this morning with a really special mental vibration and I did everything I could to 'catch' it and imprint it upon my entire day. I am clear-minded, focused, and moving about the cabin with greater purpose and flow”.
-Richard B

“This has been a game changer for me. I walked in with the intention to free myself of whatever limits I had about myself financially and in my work. I flew out making more money than I have and I feel a sense of strength and freedom I’ve never felt before to have a lasting impact on others through my work! I also feel more in flow with life and have a greater ability to handle the uncertainties that come my way”.
Naeem M

“These exercises shift our perceptions to get out of that ‘stuck’ mindset to create what we want externally. It helps us create a roadmap for what we specifically desire so that it can start happening in our lives. I have seen awesome, positive shifts in my perception of things and have more clarity in life after being in this group.My family and friends have noticed a positive change in me too. I can't wait where I'll be six months from now as I continue the exercises we did in our group”.
Jon R

“I must say this literally transformed my perception of reality. With amazing guidance and support, I was able to befriend my feelings of self-doubt and learn to use them as fuel for an extraordinary life. This series of practices has opened my inner eyes to unimaginable strength, vulnerability, generosity, and kindness. I recommend this to all men who are looking for an authentic transformation; not the quick-fix that we're so often sold but the deep, long-term shift into a life of nobility, integrity, and abundance. Thank you, Todd, for calling in this brotherhood and helping us shine our diamond heart!"
-Daniel M

“This played an integral part in my recent exodus from depression. Spiritual things are about greatness. It's one thing to know a lot about Spiritual things. It's another to do greatness. Todd's thing is about moving from the former to the latter. If you're serious about moving in that direction, consider playing along. With these new tools, I continue to learn about making differences and dwelling in the regions of bliss. Thank you!”
-Eric J
About Todd
- One of the most sought after consultants in the personal growth industry working with luminaries like Ken Wilber, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra.
- Known as ‘a coach of coaches’ who has helped hundreds of thought leaders purify and unleash their greatest gifts.
- Specializes in working with men – helping them unleash their unique talents through a process that creates massive change in a short time.
- Picture is me, my mother and my daughter taken 3 weeks before my mom passed away. Just wanted to honor her here….