Dear Brothers,
Tuesday Tribes provides ongoing Zoom meetings for our emerging community of men – brothers who are actively making big changes in their lives and the world around us.
These gatherings are based on the Man For Man philosophy that we, as men, are stronger when we come together with a shared intention.
In addition to the benefit of men gathering for the purpose of conscious connecting, each week’s program puts forth a core practice / technique you can experiment with in your own life.
Powerful tools + Amazing brotherhood. That’s what this is about. That’s how you unleash the most powerful version of YOU. Join in now:
What and Where:
Tuesday Tribes meets every Tuesday on Zoom at 5pm PST / 8pm EST.
During these meetings:
- You’ll be provided a new perspective, practice or exercise to engage with that will accelerate your growth.
- You’ll be split up into smaller groups, deepening your connection with our community of men.
- You’ll be motivated to build deeper connections from within this group – giving you stronger levels of accountability.
- We’ll also bring in guest speakers, teachers, lecturers as this grows. We already have tentative yes’s from legendary authors Ken Wilber and Gary Zuvav. This is just the beginning….
The Future For Men:
While the intensity of being alive right now continues to accelerate, some amazing things are being born from all this intensity.
One of them is the movement of conscious men coming together, connecting, and helping one another navigate these challenging times.
If you have never connected with other men in this way, I invite you to experience one of these meetings and see what this is all about.
Tuesday Tribes plans to expand it’s schedule to provide additional Zoom gatherings each week! Our goal is to have dozens of live meetings available, so you always have a community to count on. Sign in now:
**Once you register you’ll gain immediate access to our entire archive of past meetings**
I can’t WAIT to be with you my brothers….