Warrior Activated is our signature program and the best way for men to experience the power of Man For Man’s transformational process. The core of these 6 days revolves around the concepts of Life Blueprinting and Rewiring Negative Thinking – and the most common outcomes are noticeable increases in physical energy and clarity about one’s next steps.
The Accelerator is the 6-Week continuation training for men who’ve participated in our introductory Warrior Activation challenge. These 6 weeks provide you the opportunity to use all the life-changing practices learned in the 6-Day bootcamp and create something tangible and real in your life. The core of this Accelerator revolves around choosing a One Month project.
Tribes provides ongoing Zoom meetings for our community of men who benefit from continuous interactions with this brotherhood. These gatherings are based on the Man For Man philosophy that we, as men, are stronger when we come together with a shared intention. In addition to the benefit of men gathering for the purpose of conscious connecting, each session puts forth a core practice / technique you can experiment with in your own life.