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Release The King

A 6-Day Challenge For Men

Become The Master Of Your Domains During This Unprecedented Moment In History

>> YES I Want To Unleash My Inner King In This Free 6-Day Challenge <<

Dear Men,

I’m posting this ‘Release The King’ Challenge during one of the most intense moments in our history.  First the pandemic sprang upon us, irrevocably altering life as we know it.  

Now we find ourselves amid a deep & necessary scouring of racial injustices that have plagued our society for far too long….

I think it’s safe to say that no matter what happens in the coming weeks and months one thing is certain: we won’t simply revert back to the exact same lives as before….

As some of you know I’ve been affected by the pandemic quite personally.  On March 19th I lost my mother, and it was extremely hard for me as I decided against traveling back to the east coast to be with my family.

I’ve also been involved in some deep processing around the recent upheavals as I facilitate growth & healing work for a community of men that contains all colors, backgrounds and professions (law enforcement included).  The conversations have been emotional, raw and incredibly healing….

There is an air of uncertainty and intensity swirling around us that is unlike anything we’ve ever seen.  Many of the men I talk to are concerned about their work, finances, health, safety, the safety of their families, and also their mental states of mind.  

I’m posting our Release The King Challenge now because with all this said, something else has been transpiring under the radar.  Something extraordinary, and it’s been quite surprising (and uplifting) to witness:

A burgeoning movement of men are utilizing this very intense & unique moment in time as an opportunity to thrive.

And I don’t mean ‘thrive’ in terms of mere sustenance, I am talking about men who are catapulting their circumstances to new levels of health, success and abundance.

These men are feeling more energized, more creative, and more purposeful than ever before.  They are making more money, experiencing more joy, and waking up on FIRE every day.

Yes, this is really happening….

My invitation to you is this: join our ‘Release The King’ Challenge so YOU can become one of these men.  Here is what happens when you do this:

  • You become healthier, more vibrant and ‘in control’ of all your domains (money, work, relationships)…. 
  • You wake up on fire each day with a crystal clear game-plan about what needs to get done
  • You lose all anxiety and stress, becoming a master at making wise decisions based on your long-term goals

I’d argue that the men who learn how to harness the incredible tension we are experiencing into powerful & swift actions will come out of this far better off than before.  THAT’S what this challenge is about….

During these 6-days I’ll help you dissect the various domains in your life and determine which parts are in need of action.  You will be given a blueprint for how to achieve even your loftiest ambitions, and you’ll connect with thousands of men who are striving for the same goal.

At its core this challenge is a creative endeavor specifically designed for men who:

  • Want to use this intense moment in time as an opportunity to grow
  • Have tangible ideas – or even projects – they simply must see through
  • Could use a powerful & supportive community to make these visions a reality
I’ve spent the last 20 years creating training programs with the biggest teachers in the world (people like Tony Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Ken Wilber, and Eckhart Tolle to name a few). But my biggest passion has always revolved around the work I do with MEN….

Here are the details:

Starting on Monday, June 15th I’ll go live EVERY DAY for 6 straight days teaching this life-changing process to any man who wants to play.

Brothers, this is literally a $2,000+ program that I am giving away for free and I am doing it because I KNOW it can help a great many of you. All you need to do is provide your name and email on this page, and get ready for an incredible adventure together….

This pandemic and overall situation is so freaking big and infinitely mind boggling.  I invite you to focus on the things you CAN control and proactively engage in a process and community that can help you soar!

I can't wait to see you on the first call….


>> I Want To Join Unleash The King
And Get $2,000 Worth Of Training For Free >>

Time Sensitive: This 6 day LIVE and interactive challenge will give you the most important tools you need to accelerate your creativity, courageousness and power during this intense moment in history.

Release The King Is Designed For Men Who:

The men who will most benefit from the challenge are those who are ready to take their lives to the next level.  Men who already have an internal sense of ‘what’s next’ but have been sidelined from making it happen.  

This is an action-oriented challenge that will have you gaining incremental wins each day fitting into the larger story of your legacy!  We can become Kings together, so please register now:

>> I Want To Join Unleash The King
And Get $2,000 Worth Of Training For Free >>


Our most recent challenge had 2,000 men from all over the world tuning in LIVE and having their lives completely transformed.

Releasing The King will build on this momentum, providing world-class techniques and tools that will amplify your joy & success straight away.

Here are what some of these men had to say:


>> I Want To Join Unleash The King
And Get $2,000 Worth Of Training For Free >>

About Todd

  • One of the most sought after consultants in the personal growth industry working with luminaries like Ken Wilber, Eckhart Tolle, Tony Robbins and Deepak Chopra.
  • Known as ‘a coach of coaches’ who has helped hundreds of thought leaders purify and unleash their greatest gifts.
  • Specializes in working with men – helping them unleash their unique talents through a process that creates massive change in a short time.
  • Picture is me, my mother and my daughter taken 3 weeks before my mom passed away. Just wanted to honor her here….