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Step #3: Welcome Video, Challenge Schedule & FB Group!

Thank you for applying to become a part of Dane and Aine’s Breathwork Accelerator Challenge.  Here are the next steps:

  1. Please watch the short video at the top of the page – a welcome from Todd Jason
  2. Make sure you received an email from [email protected] in your inbox – this is an important message that confirms your application (we’ll be sending our response shortly and want to make sure you receive it)
  3. Click here to join the private Facebook Group for this 5-Day Challenge and meet some of the men joining in
  4. Lastly – please make sure to mark the following times in your calendar for this challenge in the event you are accepted.  Take a moment and block these times off now:
  • Friday, July 24th @ 12pm PST / 3pm EST
  • Saturday, July 25th @ 10am PST / 1pm EST – Breathwork #1
  • Sunday, July 26th @ 10am PST / 1pm EST
  • Sunday, July 26th @ 5pm PST / 8pm EST
  • Monday, July 27th @ 5pm PST / 8pm EST – Breathwork #2
  • Tuesday, July 28th @ 5pm PST / 8pm EST

**Remember we will email you back shortly with a response.  Look for that message and we’ll see you soon!

-Todd Jason (with Aine and Dane)!